Mindful Eating is the way we generally do not eat. It is what does NOT come naturally in today's world.
Think about it - do you ever eat while reading the newspaper or a book?
Have you ever eaten while watching TV?
Have you ever eaten more than you meant to?
Have you ever finished off a bag of chips or a cookie when you weren't looking?
Have you ever grabbed just any piece of food hanging around to fill yourself up when you were on the run or
too busy to prepare good food?
Well now you know what mindless eating is!
Now you know what mindful eating isn't!
Mindful eating is:
- Taking the time to enjoy your food and the process of eating.
- loving what you are eating
- feeling good before, during and after eating because you made good choices
- thinking before you grab what gave you a big tummy ache the last time
- thinking and maybe stopping yourself before you eat what gives you a migraine
- paying attention to what you eat and how you eat it
- really really getting into your eating
You get the idea don't you? There is more of course. I would suggest you come join me in one of my
not only will you maybe have fun, but there are some other benefits:
You just might:
- feel great about yourself
- lose or gain weight depending on what is necessary for you to be healthier
- start a whole new way of looking at your world, not just your eating
- meet fun people with similar healthy concerns
- ask questions or sign up now!!!